Be Sharp | Podcast

001 – Why is Starting so Hard?
What to expect in this episode:
• My Origin story
• Why am I podcasting? / Who am I talking to?
• 4 things to consider whenever you start something
Where it all started
• I started piano at 6
Hated even minute of it.
Didn’t progress as I should or could have. Big Note Books
• My sister more stubborn… at age 12.
Until…I started teaching at age 13. On my Birthday.
Little Daniel (big dreams-play every song)
Wasn’t a good teacher. I had my doubts in myself but I kept teaching.
• It’s going on 17 years now that I’ve been seeing students and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Sometimes I forgot when I’m teaching that people are paying more money for it because I would almost do it for free. But the money is nice.
I’ve just recently tallied the number of students: 115 And it’s more now. (I’ve touched, changed, impacted with the love for music, they will never be the same)
• And that’s what it’s about.
Sharing, helping and growing music in the lives of those I teach.
• It all has to start somewhere.
Why am I doing a podcast? / Who am I talking to?
• I love helping others grow and improve themselves. That’s why I love teaching piano.
• I want to hope you grow yourself, your students and your studio.
• Who am I talking to:
Knows/understand music
Has had music training (either privately or through schooling)
Is currently teaching or would like to start teaching music privately
Needs help with the business side of running a studio
Has 10-40 students
Earns $1,000-$4,000/mth ($12,000-$48,000/yr)
Is mildly tech-savvy (you’re listening to a podcast…so that qualifies you)
Working by them self or along-side a small group of other teachers
Wants to improve them self and their studio
Wants to take their business to the next level of awesomeness
• If that is you, keep listening…this podcast and the website ( is custom tailored to you.
4 Things to consider about starting something new
• The first step is the hardest
Everything is new
Nothing is familiar
Steep learn curve
• Good things take time and effort
My brother-in-law: “The right thing is always the hardest thing to do”
Planted a garden: we have to wait and tend the soil every day for several months before we reap any benefits from it.
• Your biggest enemy is You
You are going to have to be fully convinced (or have an awesome sister)
T-shirt: “don’t believe everything you think”
Let the past be the past. Live in the now.
• Not everyone will support you
Thankfully I was surrounded with a lot of encouragement and support
But seek out others with similar ideas or goals. Use this website as a means of connecting with others. Which leads me to my final thought…
It’s your turn…
• What would you add to this podcast?
How would you finish: “Starting so hard because ___”?
What hardship have you dealt with that has helped you grow?
Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you.
Thank you so much for tuning in, and remember,
To “Be Sharp” as Grow Yourself, Your Students and Studio.
Till next time, take care.